Cast your vote for the President's Award | Making Music

Cast your vote for the President's Award

Public voting for the Making Music President's Award is now open - help us celebrate the amazing volunteers of Making Music member groups.

The President's Award, an integral part of the Making Music awards, recognises volunteers who have given exceptional service to any Making Music member group. This could be for a short-term exceptional effort, or a longer-term achievement, and it could recognise an individual or a group of volunteers (e.g. a committee).

It has been difficult whittling down the nomination list, as each candidate presented a remarkable story of supporting their music group. Below is our shortlist of four nominations - find out who they are, read their stories and vote for the one who stands out to you. Winners will be announced at the Making Music awards ceremony on Wednesday 18 September 2024.


2024 President’s Award shortlist:

Amanda Drury (nominated by City of Lincoln Band)

'Prior to Amanda joining the band, we had not thought about using technology, promotion, networking and PR to raise the profile of the band and to secure its future. From the ‘get go’, Amanda introduced us to using an APP so that we knew in advance who would be at practices or who was available to play at an event. It has revolutionised how we work. In tandem, she sets up WhatsApp groups for each event and ensures that all the details - venue, parking, dress code etc are at our fingertips. She has designed a new website and set up social media accounts (and posts on them) as well as ensuring that photos and videos are taken of each event for promotion purposes. She has networked with groups not previously interested in hiring a brass band and, as a result, we have had some very prestigious and high profile gigs. This year alone she got us on Radio 4 twice including playing live on the Money Box programme, serenading the runners on the Lincoln 10k route and being a focal point on the city‘s Ice Sculpture trail. This ‘outside the box’ thinking has opened up new possibilities for the band and as well as new audiences.'

Read the full testimonial

Find out more about City of Lincoln Band on their website and follow them on Facebook / X (Twitter) / Instagram


Andy Crocker (nominated by Grayshott Concerts)

'For almost 15 years, our MD, Andy Crocker, has been our ‘Engine Room and Powerhouse’. Almost nothing happens in our Group without his involvement.
He quietly and efficiently ensures that every essential function necessary for the staging of our 5-6 classical concerts each year, takes place to perfection – and for the endless enjoyment of our 500+ regular concert-goers.'

Read the full testimonial

Find out more about Grayshott Concerts on their website and follow them on Facebook / X (Twitter) / Instagram


Matthew Gilley (nominated by Contemporary Music for All)

'Matthew Gilley has brought new life to the CoMA London ensemble. Under his leadership, the group have revitalised their approach to external marketing, including a new fresh visual feel and promoting for the work of musicians and creators in the sector via their social media. He has designed, run applications and delivered two iterations of their very successful Composer in Residence scheme, selecting two emerging composers to write a new work for the ensemble. This incredibly thoughtful scheme invites the selected composers to join the ensemble for the year as instrumentalists, giving them an deeper insight to the strengths of the ensemble and musicians and multiple workshopping opportunities, before they premiere the new pieces written for the ensemble at the end of the year.'

Read the full testimonial

Find out more about Contemporary Music for All on their website and follow them on Facebook / X (Twitter) / Instagram


Sue Jolley (nominated by Scunthorpe Cooperative Junior Choir)

'We would like to have the commitment, generosity and dedication of our former Chair/Vice Chair Sue Jolley recognised by a President’s Award. Sue has been a willing volunteer for “pretty much anything needing doing” alongside her own family priorities and work commitments for over 15 years. (...) Sue has secured annual sponsorship from Lincolnshire Cooperative Society and also multiple donations and grants to enable choristers to go on tours and events at the lowest costs to families. Nothing is too much of a challenge or trouble for Sue, she is a remarkable and very valued member of our organisation who works hard in the background doing all the essential jobs that youth music organisations rely on to exist and function.'

Read the full testimonial

Find out more about Scunthorpe Cooperative Junior Choir on their website and follow them on Facebook / X (Twitter)



Find out the winner of the President’s Award, along with all the other Making Music awards, at our online ceremony on Wednesday 18 September. You don't have to be a member to attend – book your free place now and get the champagne ready!