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Ambitious Loughborough chamber choir, with growing reputation, urgently seeks an additional tenor

Viva La Musica is a Loughborough-based mixed choir and numbers 18 singers. Our current Music Director, Simon Lumby, is extracting increasingly exciting performances from the group, performances that are gaining many plaudits across the East Midlands and beyond. Viva’s repertoire, much of which is a capella, extends from the Renaissance to the present day and encompasses both sacred and secular music. We generally rehearse on the second and fourth Monday evenings of each month and sing three concerts annually.

Tenors and Basses

Concordia Voices, a chamber choir of about 30 singers, is looking for tenors and basses to supplement their numbers. We rehearse on Sunday evenings, in Hampton Hill, West London and perform a diverse repertoire, sometimes ‘a cappella’, to a high standard, conducted and accompanied by professional musicians.

We normally perform three concerts a year locally, and have seven rehearsals per concert.

Singers should have appropriate choral experience and possess music reading skills. A short informal audition/voice assessment is required but don’t let this put you off!

Tenors and basses

We are looking for more male voices for our Tenor and Bass sections. If you would like to join the Beaminster Singers, please contact us via