music education | Making Music

music education

Budget news & other campaigning

We have looked at the budget through the lens of Making Music members, and there are a few points to draw to your attention. 

Curriculum review in England

The window for submissions to this review closed on Friday 22 November.

For the first time in a generation, there was an open call for evidence, encouraging everyone (literally everyone) to respond and help shape the education system for children and young people, an opportunity not to be missed!

Your chance to talk about music education: full review of the curriculum in England

The Department for Education calls for evidence as it reviews the current schools curriculum in England — your chance to advocate

Accessible music education with TiME

Corporate member TiME is committed to promoting the use of music technology in education and taking down barriers to music educat

Dunbartonshire Concert Band highlight the impact of leisure-time music

Scottish member group Dunbartonshire Concert Band (DCB) were delighted to be chosen as guest editors for BBC Radio 4’s Today prog

Corporate member blog: Music Mark's first ever hybrid annual conference

Communications and Marketing Manager Fi Simpson presents Music Mark's first ever hybrid annual conference - Fast Forward: Technol

Corporate member blog: MusicGurus

MusicGurus, a Making Music premium corporate member, have a simple aim: to be the number one place to learn music online.

Corporate member blog: Music Mark

Communications and Marketing Manager Fi Simpson outlines the work of new corporate member Music Mark, and how they can support gr

Cross-party consensus for free instrumental tuition in Scotland

After three years of campaigning from the music community, including Making Music, the future is looking bright for children lear