Welcome to new Premium Corporate Member, TiME | Making Music

Welcome to new Premium Corporate Member, TiME

David Ward introduces Technology in Music Education: TiME, a not-for-profit community interest company dedicated to exploring the potential of technology in music education.

Technology in Music Education: TiME was created by industry experts in the UK to raise the awareness of the huge potential of music technology with government and decision makers nationally.

Music technology opens the doors to composition, recording and music production, live sound, arrangement, orchestration, event management and many other creative music making options. It opens doors to everyone to enjoy music at any level.

One of our keywords is inclusion. Music technology embraces many facets from early years to adult learners, across generations and genders, different musical styles, and importantly, all areas of special needs.

It is a great ‘leveller’ — we don’t all have to be stars to explore the joys of composition, recording and music production. It opens doors to everyone to enjoy music at any level, regardless of background and ability. Music Technology is not just for ‘boys in bedrooms”, but is for everyone.

"Over the years I have recorded many choirs and orchestras and always wished that they knew a little more about the potential of music technology. A little knowledge can dispel the fear of music technology and this leaves room for more joy and creativity. Countless people have come up to me and asked for fun courses, which I'm looking forward to developing with Making Music and other industry partners."

At TiME, we are very proud to be a Premium Corporate Member of Making Music. TiME is creating music technology training appropriate to everyone involved in leisure-time music, including recording, mixing, composing and songwriting, music setting and other inclusive uses of music technology across all ages. If you're interested, please email david@techmusiced.org.uk for more information.

On the TiME website, we have already compiled a large and growing list of music technology resources for teachers, parents, students, and everyone who wants to explore music technology, which is added to daily.

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