Curriculum review in England | Making Music

Curriculum review in England

The window for submissions to this review closed on Friday 22 November.

For the first time in a generation, there was an open call for evidence, encouraging everyone (literally everyone) to respond and help shape the education system for children and young people, an opportunity not to be missed!

For years, many of you have raised with us the concerns of future generations not being introduced to active participation in music when they are in full-time education Therefore missing out on the benefits they could gain from both up to the age of 18 and beyond, and through an adult life-time of making music in a leisure-time music group, as so many of you have done. 

The last two decades have seen an explosion of research on the benefits of music making, and it is now well-documented that by singing or playing in a group individuals can reap many benefits throughout their lives, including better physical and mental health and well-being.  

Time now, we felt, to share such insights with this review!  

We hope many of you submitted to the review, and Making Music also made a submission.