Young people

Active Communities


Active Communities - Our open funding programme open in different parts of Great Britain at different times. We're looking for small and local projects, genuinely designed and run by local people. We offer funding of between £5,000 and £40,000 for projects lasting up to two years.

Your project should be for people who experience greater social and economic disadvantage than those living in other areas. It should create stronger connections between people by helping them to meet up regularly.

Ahavas Chesed Trust


The Ahavas Chesed Trust supports a range of charitable causes including education/training; advancement of health or saving of lives; the prevention or relief of poverty; and religious activities. Grant funding is available to individuals and organisations throughout England and Wales. 

To apply or for more information please contact the email/phone numbers above. 

Hadrian Trust

The Hadrian trust is a grant giving organisation that provides funding to social welfare and charitable organisations working for the benefit of the people and the environment of Tyne and Wear, Northumberland and Durham, including Hartlepool.

D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust

The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust was established in for the advancement of the arts, health and medical welfare and environmental protection or improvement.   Through the Arts programme, the Trust aims to increase access to the arts for young and old people; support performances; and support charities that seek to use the arts to engage with young people on the fringes of society.

The Cruach Trust

The Cruach Trust is a small Scottish charity that aims to make a difference with its donations.


Grants typically range from £200 - £1000. Apply online or in writing, further details are available on the WS Society website.