Active Communities | Making Music

Active Communities

Application Deadline: 
Distributing Body: 
People's Health Trust


Active Communities - Our open funding programme open in different parts of Great Britain at different times. We're looking for small and local projects, genuinely designed and run by local people. We offer funding of between £5,000 and £40,000 for projects lasting up to two years.

Your project should be for people who experience greater social and economic disadvantage than those living in other areas. It should create stronger connections between people by helping them to meet up regularly.

We support two types of project: neighbourhood-based projects (based in a small local area) and communities of interest (a group with shared identity or experiences). 

We fund projects led by and for people living in neighbourhoods experiencing the highest levels of disadvantage, which are the most affected by health inequalities. This can be groups of people living very close together, or groups of people who have a shared identity or experience.

A neighbourhood-based project is small and local. For example, involving residents living in a few streets, an estate, a small village and working in one or more of our fundable neighbourhoods.

A community of interest is a group of people who have a shared identity or experiences and wish to come together to address issues that are important to them. They may live across a wider area but they must live close enough to each other to meet up regularly. It is important to know that we only support communities of interest which experience social and economic disadvantage and you will be asked to demonstrate this in your application.