Sir James Knott Trust (North East England) | Making Music

Sir James Knott Trust (North East England)

Application Deadline: 


Charities, community groups and social enterprises that can demonstrate that their aims have identifiable public benefit in Tyne and Wear, Northumberland and County Durham including Hartlepool can apply for funding to the Sir James Knott Trust.  Special consideration will be given to charitable activities that are known to have been of interest to Sir James Knott including: 

  • Military and maritime organisations 
  • Youth clubs 
  • Projects to help the elderly 
  • Education and training 

The fund makes larger unrestricted grants over multiple years, often funding £5,000 per year over 3 years, and occasionally £15,000 per year over 3 years and rarely funds more than that. The Trust is also willing to make grants for capital and project. In addition the Trust continues to offer small grants (£1,000 or under). 

The Trust operates on a rolling grants programme. Applicants that miss a deadline, will be considered at the following meeting. The next deadline is the 28th February 2024. 

Small grants (£1,000 and under) are processed outside of scheduled meetings and have an average turnaround of 6 weeks.