Creative steps for organisations | Making Music

Creative steps for organisations

Application Deadline: 
Distributing Body: 
Arts Council of Wales


The aim of this programme is to support individuals and organisations who have experienced barriers to accessing our funding. Creative Steps aims to address this by supporting artists, creatives, and organisations throughout their developmental journey.

You’ll find full details on the programme in the Guidelines.

There are Creative Steps programmes for Individuals and Organisations.

You can apply for the Organisations strand if your organisation is led by ethnically and culturally diverse people, Deaf, disabled and/or neurodivergent people, or people who have experienced racism or discrimination.

If you would like to apply for a Creative Steps application you will need to contact us at giving your name, email address, a brief description of your ideas and vision and the location where it may take place.

An officer will then be in touch to discuss and help you develop your project and will email you a link to the application form.