What are the barriers to joining a choral society? | Making Music

What are the barriers to joining a choral society?

Many choral societies have told us that they have challenges with attracting new members. While this is definitely not the case for all choral societies, last year Making Music undertook some research to identify what might be the barriers to new members joining choral societies.

We contacted a range of people from vocal, promoter, instrumental and no music group backgrounds about what they thought, and recevied a huge and encouraging response. Not wanting to audition topped the reasons for not joining, followed by the perception of choral societies to be 'stuffy,' and not having enough time to attend rehearsals regularly. In the meantime, not having anything in common with or being of a similar age to other people in the group is less of a barrier than you might think, plus other interesting responses that give plenty to think about.

We have put the details of these findings together in a report and hope that it will give you somewhere to start when thinking about how you could make your choral society more inclusive. 

Download the report

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