Safeguarding training course | Making Music

Safeguarding training course

We have teamed up with the Child Protection Company to develop an online safeguarding course designed specifically for leisure-time music groups, available to Making Music members at a discounted rate.

The course is a valuable opportunity for music group organisers to gain relevant and pertinent information about safeguarding today. Thought provoking scenarios used in the course ensure that appropriate awareness of safeguarding is the learning outcome of the course. - Andrew Adam, Congleton Youth Orchestra

About the course

The course covers safeguarding for children and adults at risk, and will give individuals who lead groups an excellent understanding of their responsibilities, helping to make their group a safe environment for all.

Course features:

  • Fully online and easy to access
  • Takes one to two hours to complete
  • Written specifically for leisure-time music groups
  • Scenario-based assessment questions – with scenarios specific to leisure-time music groups
  • Pause and start as many times as you like
  • Up-to-date information on regulation and law
  • Includes downloads and links to further safeguarding information
  • Return to the completed course as often as you like to check or remind yourself of something
  • Final assessment can be retaken at no extra cost until pass mark is achieved
  • Certificate provided on successful completion, valid for two years.

Who should take the course?

Whether you work directly with young people or adults at risk or not we think the course is a great learning tool and will help provide peace of mind that you are doing the right things.

So we encourage all groups to look at the training and think about at least one person from your group taking the course. But you do not have to limit it to one, the more people that take it, the better equipped your group will be. There are also discounts available for ordering more than one course (see below). Some people who would benefit from taking the course could be:

  • Your appointed safeguarding officer
  • Multiple committee members/management team members – the more people who are trained, the more the workload and responsibility is shared
  • Anyone who is DBS checked for your group
  • Music leaders, such as your musical director
  • Anyone else who wants to take the course – it's not just the people running the group who can take it – anyone in your group can get the discount.

Cost and discounts

Single course

  • The cost for a single course is £36.00
  • The Child Protection Company have agreed to provide a 15% discount using the discount code MM15 on all courses bought by Making Music members up until 31 May 2025. This means that the price of a single course is £30.60.

Multiple courses

There are also discounts for booking 10 or more courses. So if you think more than one person in your group would benefit, then you can buy in bulk to cut costs - and you can still apply the 15% Making Music discount on top of the multiple booking discounts.

Number of courses Cost

With MM 15% discount

(applicable until 31 May 2025)

Cost per course
1 £36.00 £30.60 £30.60
2 £72.00 £61.20 £30.60
5 £180.00 £153.00 £30.60
10 £324.00 £275.40 £27.54

All prices include VAT.

Child Protection Company have also devised a Safeguarding in Music Education course and Making Music members can get 15% discount (using the same code MM15) for this course too if more appropriate for your group.

How to get the discount

You can view full course details and buy the courses online - just use discount code MM15 when you check out.

Online safeguarding training course for music groups



Making Music does not receive any financial or material gain from their members buying the course. We have developed the course with the Child Protection Company purely as a service and discount benefit for our members.

We hope you find this Making Music resource useful. If you have any comments or suggestions about the guidance please contact us. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the content of this guidance is accurate and up to date, Making Music do not warrant, nor accept any liability or responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of the content, or for any loss which may arise from reliance on the information contained in it.