working with young people | Making Music

working with young people

Website Health Check – is yours in shape?

Ever wonder how you could enhance your group's online presence? Can't remember the last time your website received a good spring-clean? Never fear, our brand new Website Health Check is here!

An exciting new tool specially developed for member groups, our Health Check is designed to help you find out if you are making the most of your group's site, or whether it can be improved. The tool also assesses how effective your group’s website may be in helping you to recruit new members.

Safeguarding training course

We have teamed up with the Child Protection Company to develop an online safeguarding course designed specifically for leisure-time music groups, available to Making Music members at a discounted rate.

The course is a valuable opportunity for music group organisers to gain relevant and pertinent information about safeguarding today. Thought provoking scenarios used in the course ensure that appropriate awareness of safeguarding is the learning outcome of the course. - Andrew Adam, Congleton Youth Orchestra

New consultation reinforces how crucial music making is for young people

Sound Connections works on behalf of children and young people to strengthen the music sector, bridge gaps in provision and deliv

Youth engagement resource: Overview

Many music groups tell us they find it challenging to attract younger members. With the help of a generous legacy from lifelong choral singer Pauline Thompson, we have been able to compile a bank of resources aimed at helping you to reach out to under-35 year olds.

We'll continue to add to these resources, but in the meantime if you think we're missing something that would be helpful for groups like yours, or if you have any questions,  just get in touch

Safeguarding: Overview

Working with both young people and adults at risk can be hugely beneficial for the individuals and group involved. It also comes with a responsibility for the group to ensure they: