Discounts on online ticketing booking fees | Making Music

Discounts on online ticketing booking fees

Ticketsource - Exclusive Booking Fee Discount

TicketSource offers an exclusive 0.5% discount on booking fees for Making Music members. Please note that this discount cannot be applied in conjunction with other discounts. 

Up-to-date TicketSource booking fees can be found on their website. 

How to access the offer:

  • Go to the Ticketsource website
  • When registering it will ask you, ‘how did you hear about Ticketsource?’ and there is a drop-down menu for you to select your answer. Select ‘Making Music’. Once you have registered, then email with your group name and saying you are a Making Music member to receive the discount.
  • If you are already a registered Ticketsource user but are not taking advantage of the Making Music discount, please email with your group name and saying you are a Making Music member
  • Please note that if it is found that you are not a Making Music member you and your group will be suspended as a user from the site

Visit Ticketsource


WeGotTickets - 10% donation to Making Music

WeGotTickets gives Making Music a donation of 10% of the overall booking fee when anyone purchases a ticket to your event. This money is spent on developing membership services for our members.

How to access the offer:

To access the members offer for WeGotTickets you need make sure you have registered on our website.

  • Go to the special WeGotTickets portal:
  • Register on the WeGotTickets website. By doing this you are letting WeGotTickets know that you are a member of Making Music, as the portal is only accessible when you are logged into the Making Music website

​Visit WeGotTickets


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