events | Making Music


Try Booking

Try Booking online ticketing makes life easier and helps to grow audiences. 

Music groups face a range of challenges – from finding committee members with enough time to do the organizing, increasing costs and declining audience numbers.

Small changes can make a big difference and one easy win is moving to online ticketing.

If you currently manage ticketing manually consider:

The role of the librarian

The role of the librarian is important for the smooth running of your group and doing it well can make a big difference.  You need systems to keep track of all the music whilst being flexible enough to cope with unexpected schedule changes, and the more disorganised members of your group who may forget or lose their music.  

The main responsibilities and challenges are: 

Hiring or buying music from publishers

Obtaining music from publishers is vital for leisure-time music groups. Whilst it can be a big and sometimes difficult task, it doesn’t have to be. We have worked with various publishers and the Music Publishers Association (MPA) on this guidance to ensure our groups can access the music they want and receive the best possible service in doing so.

Top tips for planning an event that’s Fantastic for Families

Fantastic for Families is a UK-wide initiative of exciting theatre, dance, music and visual arts events designed to increase family participation in arts and culture. Run by Family Arts Campaign and supported by Arts Council England, Fantastic for Families aims to get your event information in front of as many families as possible.

Corporate member blog: Brand your events

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11 ways selling tickets online can help your group - and how to pick the right platform

If you spend a lot of time managing event bookings via phone and email instead of organising other areas of your events, then using an online ticketing service might be just want you need.

Ticketing websites have never been more user-friendly and they can help your group save time, money, and sell more tickets. The initial setup can be slightly time-consuming but once you are up and running, the positives far outweigh the negatives…

Opinion: Are formal concerts more trouble than they're worth?

The majority of our members work towards and put on formal performances or concerts on a regular basis.

Alternatives to putting on a formal concert

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Top tips for collaborating with other music groups

Collaborations between music groups can be hugely beneficial and a lot of fun for everyone involved. They are exciting projects with lots of challenges and opportunities that can take the enjoyment of being in, and running, a music group to the next level.