What do you get for your membership? | Making Music

What do you get for your membership?

Making Music membership is packed with everything you need to help your music group succeed. Get practical and artistic support, a collective voice on issues that matter to you, connections with other members and the contacts you need to help you with your music making, and a platform to celebrate all you do!

Discover membership benefits

Promoter Membership Flyer Promoter Benefits Leaflet 
Choir Membership Flyer Choir Benefits Leaflet
Instrumental Membership Flyer Instrumental Benefits Leaflet

*Click the links above to access downloadable PDFs for choirs and promoters*


1. Lobbying and advocacy on behalf of members and leisure-time music such as venue space, music libraries and music education

Practical support

  1. Insurance - exclusive insurance packages, provided by Finch, underwritten by Covea
  2. Making Music Platform - access to all-in-one online admin tool and website to help you run your group, on a yearly subscription. Manage your members, plan your activities, take card payments, promote events and much more - everything you need in one place (additional paid-for service)
  3. PRS collection scheme – saving you time and money (5% off if you pay by 12 December)
  4. Advice and support via email or telephone or in person
  5. Over 200 resources available online - information, guidance, templates, case studies, funding opportunities, discounts and more, with topics from governance to Gift Aid, PRS to data protection, safeguarding to music hire, marketing to risk assessment: we have what you need to run your group
  6. Orchestra Tax Relief (OTR) service - despite the name you don't have to be an orchestra or pay tax to claim OTR ! It's government initiative that means instrumental groups could receive a payment from HMRC equal to a percentage of their production costs. Our service includes compiling and submitting the claim for you (additional paid-for service)
  7. MMSafe safeguarding service - a tailor-made child licensing service, making it easier for you to include young people in your performances (additional paid-for service)
  8. Charity registration service - we compile and manage your registered charity application for you (additional paid-for service)
  9. Publications: Highnotes (magazine, three times a year), regular email digests, emails on specific topics including resources, opportunities, projects and events
  10. Promotion: Find a group profile – for music makers to discover you, events calendar – for audiences to find you,  vacancies – to recruit musical staff or trustees, awards
  11. Group membership and audience development: training, online resources, and events to help you reach new people; a Youth Engagement Manager developing ways to connect you with under-35s.
  12. Online Health Check - find out how well your music group is connecting with people online 
  13. Support with your fundraising: resources, one-to-one advice, training, events to help you make your group financially resilient and sustainable
  14. Special members’ discounts: selected music publishers, online ticketing, music technology products, recording, publications and much more 

Artistic support

  1. Adopt a Music Creator – apply to have a music creator attached to your group for a year, and write a piece specially for you, with the premiere recorded with a possible radio broadcast
  2. Music Bank: repertoire information – find the perfect piece, plus suggested companion material; music exchange – see if fellow members can lend you the music you’re after; programme notes – download them free, saving you time and effort
  3. Discounted young artists booking: Philp & Dorothy Green Young Artists (soloists) (substantial subsidies on bookings), Selected Artists guide featuring artists and ensembles recommended by Making Music promoters, with subsidies available for at special members’ rates
  4. Artists Expenses Subsidy fund - subsidies for travel and accommodation expenses when booking professional artists (promoting groups only).
  5. Local and national projects to take part in such as Music Day UK - check our website and publications for the latest projects and opportunities
  6. Music awards - The leisure-time music sector is dependent on much talent which is often unrecognised. So Making Music has created new awards to celebrate music creators, arrangers and innovative new music projects.
  7. Partnerships and signposting to opportunities: we work with partners to enhance the performance and development opportunities they offer, e.g. Voluntary Arts Week, Learn to Play Day, Music Day UK, Voices Now, Contemporary Music for All Festival; and we create the tools to help you take advantage of these opportunities (e.g. Come and Sing/Play Day toolkit; brokering connections; tailoring guidance to music groups)


  1. Events – providing opportunities to learn something new, meet Making Music staff, and connect with other groups and contacts locally
  2. Annual meetings: AGM online
  3. Peer-to-peer advice/mentoring/buddying – get matched to a member group with similar issues and experiences: we can put you in touch individually, or at an event