insurance | Making Music


Insurance for your group from Making Music

The Making Music members’ insurance scheme is run by Finch, specifically for our members. It is offered to those members of Making Music which operate on a voluntary (ie non-professional) basis, for ‘activities associated with the general promotion of music and the performance of musical works’.

Update about membership and insurance renewals

Your group's listed Making Music Group Representative and Treasurer have been sent notifications advising that the renewals for 2

What do you get for your membership?

There are three types: we influence on your behalf; we offer practical and artistic support; and we connect you to each other and to relevant contacts.

A how-to guide for being an event-managing master

Putting on concerts is the highlight of being in a leisure-time music group. It’s the culmination of all your hard work in rehearsals and a chance to show the world what you can do, not to mention a source of income. A well organised and professionally run event can help make the experience for the group and the audience memorable – and ensure they come back.


We provide resources and support across a wide range of financial, artistic and administrative areas to individual music makers and leisure-time music groups to make it easier for you to make and promote music. Learn about who can join, how you or your group will benefit and what it costs.