News | Page 38 | Making Music


Post date: Friday, 4 September 2020 - 1:15pm

Making Music is delighted to announce that Vilma Weaver, Musical Director and Conductor of Coventry’s Ashira Singers, has been awarded the Lady Hilary Groves Prize.

The prestigious prize is presented annually to an individual from a Making Music member group who has had a significant impact on their group’s success or made an outstanding contribution to community music.

Post date: Thursday, 27 August 2020 - 3:00pm

The team behind MoistureGuard introduce their new range of products to help wind and brass players safely return to rehearsing and performing

Post date: Thursday, 27 August 2020 - 1:40pm

Our Virtual Concert Series this summer has featured over 60 of our member groups and showcased the variety of music that our members have been making across the UK, both before and during lockdown. Now, we're asking you to vote for your favourite video from the series, and the winning video will be announced and shared at the Making Music AGM and Awards ceremony on Tuesday 8 September.

Post date: Monday, 24 August 2020 - 8:30am

Stella Duffy, Co-Director of Fun Palaces, explains how everyone can take part in this year's celebration of community culture on 3 & 4 October

Fun Palaces will be different this year – sometimes smaller, always safer, but just as remarkable. We're going ahead with our annual weekend of action on the first weekend in October, and we're aiming for 1000 TINY Fun Palaces!

Post date: Wednesday, 19 August 2020 - 4:59pm

Making Music is delighted to announce the winners of the Philip and Dorothy Green Young Artists award: Elizabeth Bass (harp), Sirius Chau (flute), Eleanor Corr (violin), Natasha Page (soprano), and Antoine Préat (piano)

Post date: Monday, 17 August 2020 - 7:17am

Making Music warmly welcomes the update published by DCMS to their performing arts guidance for England on 13 August.

While there are still special (important and appropriate) caveats relating to amateur music activity, the outright ban has been removed. Choirs, bands and orchestras are now able to meet again for rehearsals, provided that social distancing of 2m can be maintained at all times and certain other conditions are met.

Post date: Saturday, 15 August 2020 - 7:30am

New Corporate Member The Light Music Society introduce its range of activities to help keep Light Music in the public consciousness

Post date: Thursday, 13 August 2020 - 11:54am

Emma-Jane Wyatt, of EJ-Arts, issues an open letter cosigned by 12 management and booking agents offering support to concert societies during these challenging times

Dear Chamber Music Lovers, Music Society Chairs and Artistic Directors,

This has been a very unsettling time for us all and as we continue to assess how things can move forward my colleagues and I want to get in touch to offer our support and encouragement.

Post date: Thursday, 6 August 2020 - 3:25pm

We are delighted to announce the shortlist for our new Making Music Awards, which will form part of an online celebratory evening of musical creativity on Tuesday 8 September.

The awards celebrate leisure-time music groups and their activity, and the often unrecognised talent which helps the sector to flourish across the UK.

Post date: Saturday, 1 August 2020 - 10:00am

Hugh Elder introduces his offer of pro bono mediation to help Making Music members resolve COVID-19 related issues

My name is Hugh Elder and I’m an enthusiastic amateur choral singer, and like the rest of us, I'm missing singing and hearing live music. I’m also an accredited mediator, trained to help people to resolve their disputes by facilitated dialogue rather than court proceedings and to find a solution with which they can live.