In our second blog from Adopt a Music Creator 2020/21, Foss Foster of Aberdeenshire Saxophone Orchestra outlines her group's experience of Zoom rehearsals with Ben Lunn and meeting fellow collaborators Ugie Voices.
Jean Kelly, administrator and active member of Nottingham Philharmonic Orchestra, talks to us about her group's experience of putting on a socially-distanced, COVID-secure concert before the second lockdown in England
Having not met since mid-March, our primary aim when we approached autumn was simply to get the Nottingham Philharmonic Orchestra together to do some playing. It soon became apparent that there was a very real opportunity to stage a concert, so we grabbed it with both hands!
Good news ahead of the festive season for leisure-time music groups in England this week: rehearsals and performances are allowed in each of the three tiers, provided groups risk assess and meet in a Covid-secure way
Rehearsing and performing allowed for music groups
Three sets of guidance are now relevant to groups:
Marion of Ayr Choral Union details the group's rich history with Handel's Messiah, including their most recent digital performance
Ayr Choral Union‘s relationship with Handel’s Messiah has always been significant: it was performed at our first ‘real’ concert in 1878, the 50th and 100th anniversary performances, and a special Come and Sing event, which raised over £5,000 for the victims of the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2005.
Carmel Smickersgill from Adopt a Composer 2019/20 updates us on her progress with Junior Leeds College of Music Ensemble Creative, both post- and pre-lockdown
Festival Director Samir Savant unveils exciting online plans for the Handel Festival, and invites you to watch and participate - all you need is enthuasism and commitment!
In our first blog from Adopt a Music Creator 2020/21, Litha Efthymiou recounts her experience of meeting and rehearsing with Bury St Edmunds Concert Band
New corporate member Music Tutors Online discuss options for music lessons across the globe
Music Tutors Online is an easy one-stop shop for connecting students seeking music lessons with instrument and vocal tutors from all over the world.
There were many questions the German Choir of London had to confront when planning their Covid-secure rehearsals. Music Director Barbara Höfling reflects on why it was all worth it
Itching to meet in person again, the Alton Concert Orchestra set about returning to safe rehearsals as soon as Government guidelines allowed, with some surprising results.