Make Music Day Evaluation 2020 | Making Music

Make Music Day Evaluation 2020

In normal years, Make Music Day may be seeking to turn the countryside and the city centres into one big orange musical celebration, but of course this year, it went online – very successfully indeed.

The tiny project team re-imagined this grassroots celebration for the digital sphere, helped enormously by the international team work with facilitators and event creators from other countries. 

Under the strands PERFORM, CREATE and WATCH, on the 21 June 2020, 277 individual events took place. The events featured 1,739 performances and 11,162 individual performers. Across all events and platforms, the total audience was 531,726 and the hashtag – #MakeMusicDayUK – had a reach of 1.4 million people.

Were you part of it?

Perhaps you took part in one of the few in-person events, serenading care homes in Ilkley? Or you might have joined the Making Music commissioned arrangement of Bring Me Sunshine, featuring 199 performers. Or appeared in the official 13-hour broadcast, where our Chief Executive, Barbara Eifler, interviewed three member groups, as well as some Make Music Day organisers from around the world. Or you submitted your own version of Bring Me Sunshine for the competition? Or, of course, you may have been part of one of the 277 events or 1,739 performances mentioned above!

You can now watch the two-minute highlights film below, or read up, in full or in summary, about everything that happened or rewatch any of the day’s broadcast on the Make Music Day UK website.

What about 2021...?

Yes, the team is already working on this – will it be in parks or on Facebook? Feature mountain tops or Zoom backgrounds? At the moment, the team are working on making everything possible for anyone who would like to take part, supporting and facilitating your ideas for celebrating music on 21 June, not just with your neighbours, or town, but with the UK, and the world, in person or virtually.

For the latest updates from Make Music Day UK, join their mailing list, visit their website, or follow on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram