News | Page 34 | Making Music


Post date: Friday, 15 January 2021 - 11:06am

Due to the impact of the pandemic, Making Music is part furloughing its team from 18 January to 31 March 2021, reducing capacity by around one third.

Making Music has taken the decision now while member groups are unable to meet, given the strict lockdowns or equivalent in all four nations of the UK.

Post date: Thursday, 14 January 2021 - 5:07pm

Alison Martin, chair of Crieff Choral Group, recounts how a Victorian poem recently came to be arranged for the choir.

Post date: Wednesday, 13 January 2021 - 5:32pm

In 2020, Creative United published the first edition of the Take it away Guide to Buying Adaptive Musical Instruments distributed in partnership with Normans Musical Instruments and the Musicians Union.

Post date: Wednesday, 13 January 2021 - 4:57pm

Alex Peringer updates us on Westminster Music Library's relocation and restructuring over the past year.

Post date: Tuesday, 12 January 2021 - 11:54am

In Ugie Voices’ first blog from Adopt a Music Creator 2020/21, member Sheila Biegala updates us on her group’s progress and their upcoming collaboration with Aberdeenshire Saxophone Orchestra and Ben Lunn.

Ugie Voices’ collaboration on Making Music’s Adopt a Music Creator project is gathering momentum.

Post date: Thursday, 17 December 2020 - 4:49pm

The National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) (a US organisation) usually organises an international trade fair for music sector retailers, suppliers and manufacturers in California in January. This is a highly popular industry occasion, but of course cannot take place in its usual format in 2021.

Post date: Wednesday, 16 December 2020 - 3:49pm

Making Music's Covid impact survey of members revealed that 20% of our groups are paying their music director (MD) when they are not providing any services, and this is also a common topic on our regular Zoom member meetups.

We understand that this is a difficult issue, and why groups might do this. However, it is something that needs very careful consideration within the context of the best interests of your group.

Post date: Tuesday, 15 December 2020 - 12:31pm

Foss Foster provides a second update on Aberdeenshire Saxophone Orchestra's Adopt a Music Creator 2020/21 journey.

Sunday 6 December marked Aberdeenshire Saxophone Orchestra’s last rehearsal of the autumn term and of 2020: a very strange year, but one which has brought several surprising benefits for ASO as well.

Post date: Monday, 14 December 2020 - 6:52pm

Christmas carols performed by Making Music member groups to be broadcast daily on Classic FM Drive with John Brunning from 14 to 18 December.

Making Music has once again teamed up with Classic FM to showcase a variety of festive recordings from choirs and instrumental groups across the UK.

Post date: Thursday, 3 December 2020 - 5:14pm

Nicky Astle from Rayburn Tours reflects on a recent virtual corporate member meetup.

On 25 November we were lucky enough to be invited to a virtual meetup hosted by Making Music Chief Executive Barbara Eifler, where we had the opportunity to come together with other like-minded organisations: those who, like us, have long supported and worked with members of Making Music.