young people | Making Music

young people

Curriculum review in England

The window for submissions to this review closed on Friday 22 November.

For the first time in a generation, there was an open call for evidence, encouraging everyone (literally everyone) to respond and help shape the education system for children and young people, an opportunity not to be missed!

Online safeguarding

As music groups rise to the digital challenge and find innovative ways to move the musical and social aspect of their groups to an online space, it’s important they remember the responsibilities they have to their members too.

The millennial gap: Tips for recruiting younger members

Struggling to recruit younger members? In this guidance, reprinted from the Autumn 2016 issue of Highnotes, Making Music’s Youth Engagement Manager Xenia Davis has some suggestions.

The biggest barrier to young people joining music groups isn’t repertoire, or classical music being perceived as ‘stuffy’, or the age profile of the group.

New consultation reinforces how crucial music making is for young people

Sound Connections works on behalf of children and young people to strengthen the music sector, bridge gaps in provision and deliv

Youth engagement resource: Overview

Many music groups tell us they find it challenging to attract younger members. With the help of a generous legacy from lifelong choral singer Pauline Thompson, we have been able to compile a bank of resources aimed at helping you to reach out to under-35 year olds.

We'll continue to add to these resources, but in the meantime if you think we're missing something that would be helpful for groups like yours, or if you have any questions,  just get in touch

Safeguarding: Overview

Working with both young people and adults at risk can be hugely beneficial for the individuals and group involved. It also comes with a responsibility for the group to ensure they:

Working with Music Education Hubs

There is a well documented drop off in young people’s involvement in music making aged 18 when they leave the formal education system. Collaborations with Music Education Hubs could be one way to prevent some of this drop off.

Perform at one of 10 major railway stations next March for Give a Gig

Give a Gig is Youth Music’s flagship fundraising initiative, taking place from 16-25 March 2018. 

A teenager's 6 top tips for engaging with young members

As a young musician and member of ensembles and orchestras there are certain things which I enjoy and others which I don’t and ca