charities | Making Music


Going digital – takeaways for non-profits from a pan-European project

Researchers Carol Jacklin-Jarvis and Tot Foster present a webinar discussing their latest research into digitalisation for third

HMRC requests feedback on online Gift Aid service

A team from HMRC’s digital service design department is looking into ways to simplify the process of claiming Gift Aid online and

How to claim Gift Aid for your group

This guidance describes the current situation with regard to Gift Aid and the voluntary music sector. Please note that Gift Aid is available to UK recognised charities, regardless of whether or not they are also registered charities.

Blog: Charities and tax returns

We have heard from a few member groups recently who have been contacted by HMRC and asked to submit a Company Tax Return (CTR).

Making Music supports campaign for Gift Aid Emergency Relief

As charities face an unprecedented drop in income caused by the COVID-19 crisis, Making Music has added their name to the growing

Should your group be a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO)?

The SCIO is a legal structure for registered charities in Scotland. It provides limited liability and separate legal identity to organisations which do not wish to incorporate fully. This guidance outlines the benefits and obligations of becoming or converting to an SCIO

Setting your group up as a charity

We can help advise music groups on establishing charitable status. There are advantages to gaining charitable status and also some consequences to be aware of that are covered in this guidance.

How to report on public benefit for your charity

The Charity Commission now requires its registered charities to describe how they provide a public benefit through their activities, and include this description in their annual return to the Charity Commission.