Making Music supports campaign for Gift Aid Emergency Relief | Making Music

Making Music supports campaign for Gift Aid Emergency Relief

As charities face an unprecedented drop in income caused by the COVID-19 crisis, Making Music has added their name to the growing list of supporters calling for a temporary increase in Gift Aid

Backed by hundreds of charities, the proposed boost in Gift Aid could mean an additional £450m to help charities. Many of these include Making Music members (leisure-time music groups) across the UK, and we know how crucial their activities are to the mental and physical wellbeing of participants.

Barbara Eifler, Chief Executive of Making Music, said:

“Making Music is delighted to support the campaign for Gift Aid Emergency Relief. Introducing it will go some way to helping our members – tiny kitchen-table charities which provide crucial support to people in their communities – to keep going and enable many organisations to survive that would otherwise have to shut their doors."

Research on the impact of coronavirus on the charity sector search shows that charities are on average having to plan for a 24% loss to their total income for the year ahead, which would mean a £12.4bn loss of income if the average was applied to the sector as a whole. The proposed two-year Gift Aid Emergency Relief increase will help ease the biggest financial crisis the sector has ever faced.

The change would mean that a £100 donation from a UK taxpayer would increase to £133.33 for the charity once Gift Aid had been claimed. This compares to £125.00 as is currently the case. As a result, the Gift Aid claimed on every eligible donation would increase by one-third, up from the current one-quarter.

Find out more about the proposals on the Gift Aid Emergency Relief campaign page

Making Music member groups can access our guidance on how to claim Gift Aid for leisure-time music groups