Going digital – takeaways for non-profits from a pan-European project | Making Music

Going digital – takeaways for non-profits from a pan-European project

Researchers Carol Jacklin-Jarvis and Tot Foster present a webinar discussing their latest research into digitalisation for third sector organisations. They provide a toolkit and a competency framework designed to assist with maintaining digital skills. They also team up with Alisa Darroch, chair of Making Music member group Reigate and Redhill Choral Society, to discuss how their research can be applied to small voluntary organisations.  

Digitalisation has become an essential part of administering all organisations in the 21st century, and small, non-profit groups have specific needs and challenges to access and maintain relevant skills and services. These issues formed the basis for a recently-completed research project undertaken by the European Strategic Framework for Digital Competences for the 3rd Sector (EU3D) in conjunction with the Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership (CVSL), an academic sector of excellence within the Open University Business School.

Over the past three years, a team of researchers from six European universities and community development organisations has worked together to create a digital toolkit and competency framework specifically geared to the needs and resources of Third Sector Organisations. 

As part of the Open University Business School’s 40th Anniversary celebrations, the CVSL hosted a webinar in which the lead researchers Carol Jacklin-Jarvis and Tot Foster gave an overview of the project, and talked through the tools and competency framework. They also highlighted how their research can be applied to small voluntary organisations in discussion with Ailsa Darroch, current chair of the Reigate and Redhill Choral Society (RRCS), which is a member of Making Music.

View a recording of the webinar below.

Toolkit on Digital Skills

Access the toolkit

A Digital Competence Framework for the Third Sector and Social Enterprises 

Access the full framework


Dr Carol Jacklin-Jarvis
Carol Jacklin-Jarvis is a senior lecturer in the Open University (OU) Business School. Her research is focused on the leadership of voluntary organisations, and she is co-author of CVSL’s open access leadership courses, written for small voluntary organisations. Prior to joining the OU, Carol worked in the voluntary and public sector, and she has a particular interest in the experience of cross-sector collaboration. Carol led the OU team’s work on EU3 Digital, a project that explores digitalisation of third sector organisations and social enterprises across Europe. 

Tot Foster
Tot Foster is a researcher who specialises in digital skills and inclusion. She currently works at the Open University and the University of Bristol. Her recent doctorate focused on how to empower small charities to make their own video content, building on her own experience as a filmmaker and content developer.

Ailsa Darroch
Ailsa is an alumna of the Open University Business School with a strong interest in music and the arts, which now manifests itself through a series of volunteering roles in this sector. She is currently chair of the Reigate and Redhill Choral Society and co-chair of the Borough of Reigate and Banstead Arts Council. 
Ailsa’s professional background is in international investment banking, initially as a practitioner and latterly as an executive search consultant. 

Follow Dr Carol Jacklin-Jarvis, Tot Foster and Ailsa Darroch on LinkedIn