Webinar recording: Music education for under-18s and adult leisure-time music | Making Music

Webinar recording: Music education for under-18s and adult leisure-time music

In this recording of our webinar (original event 23 September 2022), guest speakers discussed the national plans for music education in the UK nations.

We welcomed:

  • Phil Castang, CEO of Music for Youth and Chair of the Music Education Council (a UK wide network), who spoke about the refreshed England plan, having been part of the advisory body convened by the UK government to help with the revision
  • John Wallace, Convenor of the Music Education Partnership Group (MEPG) in Scotland, has been at the forefront of music education campaigning in the last few years and presented the current picture in Scotland as he sees it
  • James Dickinson, Head of Hull Music Service – Lead Partner for Hull & North-East Lincolnshire Music Hubs and Chair of Music Mark, the UK association representing Music Hubs and music services, spoke about the new England plan from a Hub perspective and what the changes will mean for hubs in future.
  • Mari Pritchard is the newly appointed National Music Service Coordinator, a role created following the publication in May of a National Plan for Music Education in Wales. She talked about the plan, how it will transform music education for under-18s in Wales and how the new service might connect to community music groups.

The views represented by the speakers in this webinar are their own, and do not represent the views of Making Music.

Useful links:

Essential reading to understand contemporary music education in Scotland:

  • Malloch, S and C. Trevarthen (eds), Communicative musicality: Exploring the basis of human companionship (London: Oxford University Press, 2009)
  • Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, What’s Going on Now: A Study of Young People Making Music Across Scotland (Glasgow: RCS, 2019) - download pdf
  • Music Education Partnership Group Strategy 2022-26, To realise music’s potential to transform life chances - download document - download abridged document
  • Royal Conservatoire of Scotland & Music Education Partnership Group, The Music Manifesto for Scotland - download pdf

Links/resources about John Blanke (and other Black Tudors):

If you have any questions about this event topic, please contact info@makingmusic.org.uk

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