Webinar recording: MMSafe - BOPA for Child Performance Licensing | Making Music

Webinar recording: MMSafe - BOPA for Child Performance Licensing

In this recording of our webinar, we introduced the new Making Music Safe service in partnership with Brass Bands England (BBE), which will provide members with the information and tools required to comply with legislation around child performance.

Current legislation around child performance licensing requires almost all performing children to be covered with either a licence or an exemption called a ‘Body of Persons Approval’ (BOPA). This legislation also applies to children who are performing as part of leisure-time music groups. A BOPA usually covers groups that include more than one child, and can be issued by the secretary of state for education, but in most cases, is issued by the local authority.

The Making Music Safe service will offer Making Music members access to a national BOPA (Body of Persons Approval) covering England and Wales, administered by BBE but for all types of music groups, as a low admin option. This comprehensive programme will provide members with all the necessary resources, tools and training needed to navigate the challenges of safeguarding for their leisure-time music group.

In this event, our guest speaker Dr Alex Parker, Membership Development Manager at BBE, explained how the new service works, and how groups can perform under the BBE national BOPA. 

The views represented by the speakers in this webinar are their own, and do not represent the views of Making Music.

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