GDPR interactive guidance tool | Making Music

GDPR interactive guidance tool

This audit tool is part of our GDPR toolkit. It is intended to help you think about the questions you need to ask about the data your group holds, asks for and uses, to help you meet your data protection responsibilities.

How to use the audit tool

GDPR is a meaty topic with lots of information, not all of which will be relevant to you. This tool is designed to help you filter the information to what is relevant for your group.

Before you use the tool we recommend you read our general guidance: GDPR: What you need to know, with particular reference to section 6 'Asking for and using data'. 

As you answer the questions below the relevant guidance based on your answers will appear at the bottom of the page. Once you have answered all the questions you can request an email with a copy of the relevant guidance (see button at bottom of page). If you want to re-set all of your answers at any point just refresh your browser window. 

If you prefer, you can download the full audit information as a PDF document.

We have tried to cover what we think we will be most common scenarios faced by member groups, but realise all groups are different. If you feel something is not covered please get in touch so we can a) advise you further and b) develop the tool.

GDPR data audit and tailored guidance