Data protection fee exemptions are being reconsidered - have your say | Making Music

Data protection fee exemptions are being reconsidered - have your say

Many Making Music member groups are currently exempt by law from paying a data protection fee as they process personal data for not-for-profit purposes.

However, the government has launched a consultation on exemptions from these data protection fees. The Department for Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) is handling the consultation and has invited respondents to tell them which exemptions they consider are still appropriate and should be kept, and which exemptions are no longer appropriate and should either be changed or removed - and the reasons why.

The government will review the consultation and make a decision on which changes should be made. If not-for-profit groups are no longer exempt, they could be required to pay £40 a year.

If you have any thoughts on the exemptions, particularly where your group is concerned, you can make a submission on the DCMS website until 4pm on 1 August.

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