Find new young audiences and members with Arts Award | Making Music

Find new young audiences and members with Arts Award

As part of our work supporting members to engage with young people, we have partnered with Arts Award, who have developed a tailored approach for our members.

Arts Award is a national initiative that aims to support children and young people (<25) to deepen their experience, engagement and skills in the arts. Young people can work towards a qualification at different levels, while Supporters (like your group) can find new audiences, members, Supporters and volunteers.

How does it work?

As an Arts Award Supporter you offer experiences to young people which can contribute towards their Arts Award, which they may be doing at their school, youth group or arts organisation. 

It's easy and free to get set up as an Arts Award Supporter to find new young audiences and members:

  1. Your group registers as an Arts Award Supporter
  2. You decide upon a 'Supporter offer' that matches the requirements of an Arts Award and list it on your website
  3. Young people can choose to use your Supporter offer to work towards certification

What's a 'Supporter offer'?

Your Supporter offer is simply an experience you can offer young people. For example, they could simply attend one of your concerts (perhaps you might offer a discounted rate) and write a review.

The main categories of offers are:

  • Seeing arts and culture (e.g. attending one of your performances)
  • Taking part in an arts/cultural activity (e.g. attending one of your come and sing/play events)
  • Meeting arts professionals (e.g. a 'behind-the-scenes' session with your MD/Conductor or picking up the baton to try conducting at a rehearsal)
  • Sharing skills, leading workshops and running events (e.g. working with you to put on an event)

What are the benefits for our group

  • Your group is listed on the Supporter map and the Arts Award Voice websitewhich is aimed directly at young people doing their Arts Award.
  • You can list your performances free of charge on Voice – an easy way to reach out to young people.
  • If you tweet upcoming events, performances, workshops etc. using the hashtag #artsawardsupporter, Arts Award will retweet on @artsaward and @artsawardvoice with a combined reach of 10,000 followers.
  • In addition, young people can write reviews about your group and these appear on your Voice profile. 
  • You can start to build relationships with young music lovers, find new members for your group or attract new audience members for your concerts

Find out more about the Arts Award and how to register.

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