recruiting members | Making Music

recruiting members

Case study: Haverhill name change

Martin Waldron, of member group Haverhill Singers, explains how they approached changing the group name in order to recruit new members.


We are a non-auditioning choral society of around 50 singers, founded in 1860. The aim of the Society is to perform choral music of many genres in and around Haverhill, Suffolk for two reasons.

Survey Results: Young People and Participation in Amateur Music Groups

Research published today by Making Music sheds new light on the obstacles amateur music groups face when attracting younger members.

Find new members and audiences with BBC Get Playing

This summer, we will be partnering with the BBC, ABRSM and Music for All to support the BBC’s ‘Get Playing’, a major new initiati

Find new young audiences and members with Arts Award

Arts Award is a national initiative that aims to support children and young people (<25) to deepen their experience, engagemen