Corporate member blog: Maestro Online | Making Music

Corporate member blog: Maestro Online

Dr Robin Harrison, founder of the Maestro Online Music Course Library, talks us through what his company can offer to music learners.

From beginner courses to diploma aural training, improvisation and celebrity masterclasses, there's something for everyone, either to support existing one-to-one lessons or as standalone courses, with a fun, popular approach to piano, organ, singing and aural.

A UK survey by Public First found that 1 million adults learned music virtually during lockdown and 2.1 million wrote their own songs. The Maestro Online Library takes that desire further by fusing digital texts (books and magazines) with embedded teaching videos and a great online learning experience. Why learn about sound without sound?

The courses start with the ear and the sound, and develop your skills in harmony, counterpoint and improvisation via short extracts of famous melodies that we all know and enjoy. This creative approach enhances your ability to connect your soul to your performance. Even aural training, classical and pop improvisation are taught in simple, engaging ways, with fantastic examples from music of all eras.

We know that it's not always convenient to visit a teacher, let alone an international level musician, but with our collection of guest masterclass courses you can access people who've performed with the likes of Madonna, Whitney Houston, Barry White, All Saints, Gabrielle and many more, from the comfort of your home - and this collection is constantly expanding. In the words of Mark Walker, a gospel pianist who has created stunning courses and exclusive solos for our library, and who played for the likes of West Life and Will Young - 'find the nugget that's you'.

This is not a 'pay and play' app. This is a very cost-effective personal service with Zoom/email support and you can even request your own bespoke courses.

Making Music members receive 25% off.  

Visit The Maestro Online website or contact Dr Robin Harrison at