Welcome to new Corporate Member, Hugh Elder Mediation | Making Music

Welcome to new Corporate Member, Hugh Elder Mediation

Hugh Elder introduces his offer of pro bono mediation to help Making Music members resolve COVID-19 related issues

My name is Hugh Elder and I’m an enthusiastic amateur choral singer, and like the rest of us, I'm missing singing and hearing live music. I’m also an accredited mediator, trained to help people to resolve their disputes by facilitated dialogue rather than court proceedings and to find a solution with which they can live. 

I’m a great believer in this process, which is why I’m offering to help members of Making Music by mediating pro bono any difficult discussions which they may have over COVID-19 issues such as venue hire and professional musician engagement.

What is mediation?

Mediation is a voluntary, structured and, above all, confidential process to help people and businesses find a workable resolution to an actual or potential dispute without the expense, time and damage to relationships involved in taking a case to trial. A mediator is completely impartial and helps parties to reach an amicable solution. A mediator does not act as a judge or arbitrator and cannot give legal advice to either party or represent them in any legal proceedings. No mediation can take place unless all parties agree both to mediate and on the choice of mediator. Find out more on the HE Mediation website.


Hugh Elder Hugh Elder

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Hugh Elder Mediation is offering Making Music member groups five hours of free mediation to help resolve COVID-19 related issues. Find out more