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Post date: Friday, 18 January 2019 - 5:02pm

Cardiff Arms Park Male Choir has been on tour in the UK and abroad many times but their tour to Tuscany - and their first tour with coprorate member Club Europe - was their best yet.

“It was a wonderful place to go to,” says the choir’s chairman David James. “We had very good food, visited some beautiful places and sang in churches with absolutely stunning acoustics.

Post date: Thursday, 17 January 2019 - 5:20pm

Southampton Concert Wind Band (SCWB) wrap up Christmas and look towards a puzzling 2019 with composer, Robert Laidlow, for the Adopt a Composer project.

It is tradition for SCWB to go in to winter hibernation once the Christmas concert and carols are done, but not this year… this year we had another festive activity before we had earned the turkey! 

Post date: Thursday, 17 January 2019 - 4:53pm

Assistant conductor of Stoneleigh Youth Orchestra and conductor of the Training Orchestra, Dan Shilladay, talks final rehearsals and stage blackouts as they prepare for the Adopt a Composer finale performance with composer Ben See.

So this was it - a whole term of preparation behind us, it was the big day: not one but two new pieces from our adopted composer, Ben See, would feature in the Stoneleigh Youth Orchestra Christmas concert, one each for the training and main orchestras. 

Post date: Friday, 4 January 2019 - 12:16pm

Southampton Concert Wind Band (SCWB) were paired with Robert Laidlow on the Adopt a Composer project, and much has happened in just a few months.

Post date: Sunday, 30 December 2018 - 11:44am

Nicholas Olsen on the first few meetings with Da Capo Alba for the Adopt a Composer project.

The Adopt a Composer scheme is a one of a kind opportunity for composers to be paired with amateur ensembles from across the UK. I am excited to be one of this year’s composers, and I am delighted to be hitting the ground running with Da Capo Alba, a Guitar and Mandolin Orchestra based in East Kilbride. 

Post date: Saturday, 29 December 2018 - 11:05am

Two members of the Two Rivers Concert Band offer up their thoughts and reflections on working alongside James Banner as part of the Adopt a Composer project.

The impressions of Leah Hannay, Two Rivers Concert Band's youngest member, aged 16.

I really enjoyed trying something that was new, and also a little bit different from the kind of thing I've experienced before. 

Post date: Thursday, 20 December 2018 - 2:47pm

Surrey County Council (SCC) has now published the consultation on NewSPAL's proposals to take on the running of the Surrey Performing Arts Library (SPAL) from SCC, in the form of a survey.

Please fill in the survey and pass it on to anyone else who might be interested.

Post date: Wednesday, 19 December 2018 - 5:51pm

The Fretful Federation Mandolin Orchestra sum up a whirlwind performance alongside composer Esmeralda Conde Ruiz for the Adopt a Composer project.

Post date: Wednesday, 19 December 2018 - 5:32pm

Da Capo Alba guitar and mandolin orchestra met up with both their adopted composer, Nicholas Olsen and his mentor David Horne on 28 November for a workshop, or rather, a 'playshop', as it transpired.

Post date: Wednesday, 19 December 2018 - 12:25pm

Immerse yourself in a celebration of leisure-time music at the Barbican Music Library in London, running from 16 January to 23 March 2019.

From all corners of the UK, Making Music member groups have sent us their posters and recordings, and told us why they love making music in a group so much.