Surrey Performing Arts Library – last hurdle ready for the taking! | Making Music

Surrey Performing Arts Library – last hurdle ready for the taking!

Surrey County Council (SCC) has now published the consultation on NewSPAL's proposals to take on the running of the Surrey Performing Arts Library (SPAL) from SCC, in the form of a survey.

Please fill in the survey and pass it on to anyone else who might be interested.

The consultation runs until 3 February and will lead to a final decision being taken by Cabinet on Tuesday 26 February - a meeting to put in your diary and attend, if you possibly can.

Just a couple of things about the consultation: SCC has represented NewSPAL's proposals for the running of SPAL as well as possible with limited space (and with little time to put the survey together), and has really tried hard to paint a full picture. 

Before you fill out the survey

However the survey doesn't ask you until quite far in as to what capacity you are completing it in, so here are some suggestions to think about beforehand and to keep in mind while you’re filling it in.

NewSPAL's proposals include taking on all the material currently in SPAL. As well as the multiple music and drama sets for performance that includes the chamber music and other music for individuals, the collection of books and other resources related to drama and music. Therefore if you are…

  • a librarian, MD or committee member of a music or drama group using performance sets from SPAL, you will want to fill in the survey with that 'hat' on
  • a member of a group using SPAL for performance materials, drama or music (even if not responsible for doing the actual researching/borrowing), then you will probably also want to complete the survey with your group in mind
  • a member of a group using SPAL for performance materials, drama or music, but you are also an individual user, whether for music, drama, books or other resources, then you may want to complete the survey in your individual capacity, rather than with your group in mind
  • an individual user of SPAL only, unconnected to a group, please do also complete the survey
  • none of the above, you can say so in the survey, and still complete it, e.g. if you're a network or national organisation or local charity or festival
  • not based in Surrey, you can still complete the survey.

And question 17 gives you, in whatever capacity, the ability to write up to 200 words of comments, so if you find you're not able to get your thoughts across with the multiple choice questions, here's your chance to do so.

Take the SPAL survey