Make Music Day on 21 June is taking off! | Making Music

Make Music Day on 21 June is taking off!

There are events already taking place in Edinburgh, Cardiff, London, Norwich, York, Nottingham, Birmingham, Doncaster, and more, but there is still a chance to get involved

This international celebration is about everyone making music for everyone, opening up their musical doors and showcasing all the fantastic music going on in your communities.

So: there’s still time to sign up as a venue, or as a performer – individual, small group, large group – or of course to find an event near you to attend or take part in.

This year’s FREE song is feelgood tune Bring Me Sunshine – and you can (you don’t have to!) sing it or arrange it for whatever instruments your group plays (there are various versions already available, too…).

How about:

  • A singing event in your local shopping centre or town centre square, maybe teaching Bring Me Sunshine?
  • Performing in a public space with your instrumental group?
  • Opening up your rehearsal to potential newcomers or the local community?
  • Adding your existing event to the Make Music Day listings?
  • Teaching your school classes Bring Me Sunshine and celebrating the international connection in your school?

You can find out more on the Make Music Day UK website, including how and where to register your venue or event.

Make Music Day is a partnership between Making Music and Music For All, with Classic FM as media partners and Music Sales sponsoring the free song, and funding from the Musicians' Union and Arts Council England. Make Music Day is also supported by over 30 other organisations in the music sector.