
Post date: Tuesday, 22 May 2018 - 12:44pm

Peter Yarde Martin reflects on his involvement on the Adopt a Composer scheme, and looks forward to what comes next.

With the first performance of my new piece ‘Starsong and Nocturne’ on 12th May, my Adopt-a-Composer project with Bellfolk Handbell Ringers reached its culmination. It was wonderful to hear my piece take shape over the course of the collaboration, and I was thrilled with how they performed it in concert!

In beautiful setting of St. George’s Colegate, the spatial effects and ethereal harmonies were positively spine-tingling.

Post date: Thursday, 17 May 2018 - 4:55pm

Many of our member groups perform concerts several times a year. Some of these groups have dedicated and enthusiastic writers who spend their time researching the music and penning interesting articles to go into a programme, to help the audience understand and appreciate the performance even more.

Post date: Thursday, 10 May 2018 - 2:53pm

Bands For Hire is a UK based music agency with a passion for exceptional musicianship and vocal ability. Founder Adam Mezzatesta began life on the music scene as a songwriter and performer, working in a function band as a way to fund his original musical projects. In 2010 Bands For Hire was born with the ambition to bridge the gap for working musicians looking to make a living whilst also pursuing a career in the music industry. 

Post date: Thursday, 3 May 2018 - 5:13pm

With only days until the first performance of ‘Starsong and Nocturne’, and the culmination of my adoption by Bellfolk Handbell Ringers, the project is reaching its final phase. This can be a strange part of the process for the composer having finished the piece nearly two months ago, while the Handbell team have been frantically rehearsing and getting to grips with what I’ve written.

Post date: Thursday, 3 May 2018 - 12:05pm

We know members are passionate about music education for under-18s and as life-long learners themselves are aware of the benefits of music (appreciation and participation) for everyone, at all stages of their life. 

But there are barriers to people engaging with music and we’d like to find out more about what you think those are – and what could be done to address them.

You can do this by:

Post date: Monday, 30 April 2018 - 10:53am

We know that for most groups, budget is a key element in the choice of tour destination. Finding the right destination, which will excite and inspire your performers, work with your concert programme and ensembles and also be affordable can be a challenge.

Further to the recent depreciation of the sterling versus both the euro and the dollar, ensuring you make your money travel as far as possible is even more important. Here are some helpful key points to consider when planning your next music tour.

Post date: Friday, 27 April 2018 - 2:49pm

The government’s Taking Part survey may have its flaws, but it does give us some significant – and useful – statistics on leisure-time music, writes Making Music Chief Executive, Barbara Eifler 

Post date: Friday, 27 April 2018 - 10:55am

Bristol’s collection of over 1,200 music sets and scores will stay in the city after an agreement was reached between Bristol Music Trust and Bristol’s Library Service.

The news comes following original plans to transfer the sets to other libraries outside the city.

Councillor Asher Craig, Deputy Mayor with responsibility for libraries, said:

Post date: Thursday, 26 April 2018 - 1:24pm

I’m proud to introduce nkoda - the industry-transforming subscription service for sheet music. We provide the world’s largest digital library of scores, parts and educational material in a rich, AI-driven, collaborative environment. 

I am delighted to offer Making Music members free access to the nkoda app trial.

Request a free trial