Adult Music Learning Manifesto 2020 | Making Music

Adult Music Learning Manifesto 2020

In September 2019 and again in January 2020, Making Music brought together individuals from across the music sector to focus on adult music learning. 

The purpose was:

  1. to describe and bring to life what an adult music learner looks like
  2. to map what adult music learning looks like, and what makes it different
  3. to capture what adult music learners’ specific challenges may be
  4. to explore how some of those barriers could be dismantled – and by whom

Making Music then hosted a follow-up afternoon to flesh out more detailed actions and involve more organisations in this discussion. Following on from this, we have created a document that outlines the outcome of those workshops, summarising information on each of the points with a manifesto that gives some suggestions as to how it can be made into reality.

Manifesto for adult music learning

A) Every adult in the UK is able to actively participate in music: access & inclusion

B) Adult music learning is supported with infrastructure, information, recognition

C) Under-18s education encourages lifelong music-making

Read the adult music learning manifesto


So how will you or your organisation take action to make this a reality? Email and tell us!

Make a pledge