Singing Network UK | Making Music

Singing Network UK

Singing Network UK is a free forum, bringing together organisations with an interest in singing to meet two to three times a year, now exclusively on Zoom. There are usually two or more speakers on relevant topics per meeting, plus an opportunity for members to raise any issues of interest to others and/or for collaboration. For instance, the network worked closely together over campaigning during Covid.  

    Members of Singing Network UK

    Below are the current members of Singing Network UK, listed alphabetically. If you are interested in joining or want to get in touch for any other reason, please email, for the attention of Barbara Eifler.

    The forum for conductors and choral trainers, which runs training courses and conventions, publishes 'Mastersinger,' promote the composition of choral music, and offers a liaison service for members to promote local activities.
    AOTOS is an organisation for singing teachers across the UK and beyond. AOTOS regularly holds national and local events along with training to enable teachers to share best practice, and disseminate the latest research. 
    Supporting amateur performing arts festivals in their local communities, with nearly 250 member festivals across the UK and abroad providing millions of performance opportunities for children, young people and adults. 
    BABS gained educational charitable status in 2000. It was formed in 1974 and now has 56 full member harmony clubs and six associate member clubs each with its own chorus.
    Formed in 1995, British Choirs on the Net is a free choral listing service with email and website links to over 3,600 choirs
    Dedicated to the promotion of the Kodály approach – musicianship through singing – the BKA is committed to supporting all who want to develop their musicianship and conducting skills, and to helping teachers develop confidence to deliver music lessons at all levels.
    An association of multi-disciplinary professionals working to promote the field of voice in its broadest sense. Encourages a healthy voice, vocal skills, and communication in areas such as performing arts, business, medicine and education. 
    The Choir Schools’ Association is a group of 46 schools attached to cathedrals, churches and college chapels around the country.
    CHORALLY connects and supports choirs, music professionals and enthusiasts, internationally. Offering the latest news, listings and resources, CHORALLY enables members to publish content and connect with others across the world.
    An international initiative encouraging young people to sing, with an ever-growing Song Bank containing new music and support material to help teachers develop their students' skills - as performers, listeners and composers. Join their world of song!
    On the gerontius site you will find searchable directories of uk choirs and choral concerts, and other choral music resources.
    A Black music organisation that interprets UK Gospel Music as derived from the African, American and Caribbean musical experience relating to the Christian faith, delivered by a range of industry creatives and practitioners, incorporating both Gospel genre and message.
    With 1720 members in 50 clubs (plus three Associate member clubs & Club at Large) we share joy in four-part a cappella singing in this unique style striving for just intonation.
    Making Music logo
    We are a UK membership organisation which supports, stands up for and celebrates people making or presenting music together in their leisure time. 58% of our 3,800+ members are choirs, so we take a keen interest in all things singing!
    MD Brunch gathers vocal leaders of any level of experience to share skills, support each other, network and grow, and highlights the work that MDs do for their communities. 'Project Get Singing' is their campaigns team working to rebrand singing as healthy positive activity. 
    Music in Offices brings music into the workplace by managing office choirs, delivering instrument tuition and running bespoke music-led workshops and events.
    A UK Association for Music Education. Music Mark leads, represents and supports the highest quality music edicaton for all children and young people.
    The NAC represents and supports over 750 choirs and 36,000 voices, all of them voluntary and amateur throughout the UK.
    The NSSP is a UK-wide partnership providing curriculum singing during the school day and after-school choirs for boys and girls. It has created many full-time choral director roles, leads training, offers consultancy and provides seed funding.
    National Youth Choir's mission is to build a nurturing nationwide community where young people can explore a diverse range of music, enjoy singing together and share their creativity.
    We are a network of people who work with voice and song, and who believe that singing is everyone’s birthright, regardless of musical experience or ability.
    Peterborough Sings! is a music charity which supports three adult choirs and an extensive programme of community education and outreach work. They're at the forefront of the UK amateur equal voices sector, promoting development through research, mentoring and conferences.
    Part of Sweet Adelines International, QoN looks after the singing and educational interests of members in the UK and Netherlands. Member choruses celebrate and perform a range of 4-part close harmony a cappella singing and compete annually.
    The Royal College of Organists is a multi-faceted charity and membership organisation whose professional and educational work is aimed at all who have interests in the organ and choral music.
    RSCM runs a nation-wide education and training programme for singers, instrumentalists and choir trainers, and all interested in the role of music in worship.
    Since 1964, Sing for Pleasure has encouraged better singing for adults and children and helped choral leaders to develop best practice conducting skills, through a variety of events and courses and a broad range of songbook collections.
    Sing Ireland develops and supports all forms of group singing in Ireland by providing quality experiences, through activities led by Sing Ireland and by supporting the work of our members and the wider choral.
    Sing Space Choirs: West End choirs provides the highest quality and most joyful musical theatre experience to adult singers with a priority on community and mental health.
    Sing Up Membership provides access to hundreds of specially arranged songs, teaching tools and supporting resources for all your singing needs, in and out of school.
    Singing for Health Network (SNUK) is a UK-based membership network for anyone interested or involved in singing for health, including singing practitioners, researchers, and health and healthcare professionals.
    The Choir with No Name runs choirs for homeless and marginalised people. We’re built on the premise that singing makes you feel good and helps you grow in confidence: we sing uplifting pop music, rehearse weekly and share a hot meal together afterwards.
    The Three Choirs Festival is the longest running non-competitive classical music festival in the world, rotating each summer between the English cathedral cities of Gloucester, Hereford and Worcester.
    A vocal music education charity bringing the power of singing to communities around the world, putting on professional music performances for thousands, and education programmes and resources for singers and teachers of all ages and abilities.
    An association that collectively addresses the needs of male choirs, bringing together all Welsh choirs under one umbrella, fostering and promoting the art of male voice choral music and Welsh choral works.
    Providing the largest school choir concerts in the world in the biggest arenas in the UK, Young Voices believe passionately in inspiring the next generation to find their love for music.