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Angus Allnatt Charitable Foundation Fund


The Fund supports charitable organisations that help young musicians aged 13-25 particularly those at the beginning of a professional career.

Funding is available for expenditure costs associated with projects. Due to the volume of applications received, applicants are advised to submit a proposal, or give notice that they intend to do so, at least six months in advance.

Applications should be made in writing to the Angus Allnatt Charitable Foundation.

Tŷ Cerdd – Youth Funding


Tŷ Cerdd’s mission is to promote the music of Wales in all its variety to every community. Their funding aims to help communities use music to enhance their
society activities and to promote musical activity in all parts of Wales.

Tŷ Cerdd recognizes the fundamental importance of young people becoming involved in music making. The future of music in Wales depends upon this.

Tŷ Cerdd – Support for Music in Communities


Tŷ Cerdd’s mission is to promote the music of Wales in all its variety to every community. Their funding aims to help communities use music to enhance their
society activities and to promote musical activity in all parts of Wales.

Tŷ Cerdd is keen to continue its support for music in communities throughout Wales. This could
be to allow choral groups of all sizes, instrumental ensembles of all kinds to realise concerts and
projects which they are planning.

Tŷ Cerdd – Programming Welsh Music


Tŷ Cerdd’s mission is to promote the music of Wales in all its variety to every community. Their funding aims to help communities use music to enhance their
society activities and to promote musical activity in all parts of Wales.

Tŷ Cerdd is keen to encourage the imaginative inclusion of Welsh music in concerts. Successful applicants to this fund will ensure that significant amounts of music by Welsh composers are programmed in their concerts.


Tŷ Cerdd – New Music Commissions


Tŷ Cerdd’s mission is to promote the music of Wales in all its variety to every community. Their funding aims to help communities use music to enhance their
society activities and to promote musical activity in all parts of Wales.

Tŷ Cerdd plays a central role in the commissioning of music and we are inviting applications for the creation of new music from organisations in Wales.

We are keen for all musical performers to enjoy the challenges of new music and to help create art that expands traditional models.

Express Grants


Our Express Grants can help meet a wide range of costs, including general running costs such as rent or staff salaries; activities and events; equipment or materials; marketing and awareness-raising initiatives and training. These awards are made up of money from the many different funds we distribute on behalf of companies, individuals and charitable trusts. We match the applications we receive to the criteria of the various funds we have available at any time. These criteria determine which parts of Scotland, or which types of project any particular fund can be used for.