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Stratford Town Trust

The Stratford Town Trust's mission is to support and enhance the quality of life of the people of Stratford-upon-Avon. To that end, its grants programme has given out £1 million a year since 2001 to a range of local good causes, community projects and things that make Stratford a better place to live, work and study.

Rushmoor - Voluntary, Community, Youth and Arts Grants

Rushmoor Borough Council offers grants to not-for-profit voluntary and community groups which are providing, or trying to improve, services that benefit the people of Rushmoor. (Organisations outside Rushmoor may apply if they can show that their work benefits Rushmoor residents.) Groups must be able to show that they need the grant in order to proceed with their projects.

One-off grants are available in the following areas:
• Voluntary Organisations.
• Arts.
• Sports.
• Youth.

Northamptonshire - General Grants Programme


The scheme is administered and provided by the Northamptonshire Community Foundation.

The general grants programme intends to benefit the whole community and fund a wide range of projects. It aims to help the young and old, those with disabilities, projects which develop the cultural and creative life of a community, healthy living and the environment, as well as sports and recreation.

Small Grants are available for between £250 and £3000 to not for profit groups in Northamptonshire who want to develop the cultural and creative life of their community.


Mid Suffolk Grants


Mid Suffolk District Council provides grants for small scale projects that help to promote community activities, environmental improvements, self help activities, local events, participation in art and sporting activities as well as schemes promoting education and health improvements in the local community.

Four Lanes Trust


The Four Lanes Trust offers grants to community groups and organisations in Basingstoke and surrounding areas. Funding is intended to support local community projects in the following areas: • The Arts. • Education. • Social and Community Action.

Grants of between £500 and £1,000 are normally awarded; however, larger grants are considered from time to time.

Epping Forest - Grants for Sports, Arts, Leisure and Community Groups


The Grants for Sports, Arts, Leisure and Community Groups scheme is provided and administered by Epping Forest District Council. Under this programme, the Council offers the Major Grants and Three-year Revenue Grants.

Funding is intended to assist local voluntary and community groups and organisations that are providing services in line with the Council's objectives and targets.

The priority areas are as follows: