government | Making Music


Making Music responds to Levelling Up consultation

Making Music has responded to the Government’s Levelling Up consultation with key contributions from our members. 

Data protection fee exemptions are being reconsidered - have your say

Many Making Music member groups are currently exempt by law from paying a data protection fee as they process personal data for n

Make some noise! Good news from the Taking Part survey

The government’s Taking Part survey may have its flaws, but it does give us some significant – and useful – statistics on leisure

Parliament calls for 'case studies' on social impact of culture

In a new inquiry the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee is to investigate ways in which taking part in the arts, cultura

A Culture Strategy for Scotland - Conversation summary

Since June 2017, the Scottish Government have been speaking to artists, cultural organisations and communities across the country

Developing a Culture Strategy for Scotland

In June 2017, the Scottish Government began writing a Culture Strategy for Scotland, which is due to be completed in 2018, and wi

Support the Parliamentary petition on the EBacc

An official Parliamentary petition asking the Department for Education (DfE) to include expressive arts in the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) has been signed by over 70,000 people.

Why your iTunes collection may now be illegal...

The high court has quashed regulations, introduced by the government last year, that made it legal for individuals to copy CDs bought for their own private use, including 'ripping' these onto personal music libraries like iTunes.

Why leisure-time music making matters

Why leisure-time and community music making matters (and why it could be useful for you to know how to say that)