research | Making Music


Webinar recording: Bigger Better Brains – using neuroscience to advocate for music

Dr Anita Collins, a researcher and educator, talked about neuro-musical research on the benefits for adult musicians, and how to use this information to boost our advocacy (original event 9 Oct 2024).

What are the barriers to joining a choral society?

Many choral societies have told us that they have challenges with attracting new members. While this is definitely not the case for all choral societies, last year Making Music undertook some research to identify what might be the barriers to new members joining choral societies.

Member consultation on music education

Music education for under-18s is a much-discussed issue.

Making Music, Making Communities - Report

View the full results and analysis of Professor Stephanie Pitts' survey of Making Music member groups and their connections with local communities.

This report is the result of a substantial pilot study Professor Stephanie Pitts has undertaken which begins to give us a clearly evidenced picture of what we think is the very significant social and economic impact of music groups on their communities. We very much hope this will lead to a more extensive piece of research as we continue to pursue these important questions together.

Can everyone sing?

A new project sets out to challenge the idea that ‘singing is just about confidence’ and asks how we can reach adult 'non-singers'

Selected Artists guide - survey results

We recently surveyed the membership on what they would like to see more of, and how we can continue to improve the guide to make it as useful as possible.