Continuo Connect | Making Music

Continuo Connect

Continuo Connect offers a comprehensive listing of fantastic Early Music concerts coming up near you, anywhere in the UK.  

Continuo Connect is a concert-finder for music lovers seeking the best of Classical, Baroque, Renaissance and other Early Music performances by professional period-instrument ensembles. The site is free and easy-to-use and can be searched based on your location. 

But that’s not all. Continuo Connect also provides a directory of period-instrument ensembles and musicians, with links to their websites and social media. There are currently over 100 UK ensembles and more than 135 of the country’s most talented musicians with profiles on Connect!  

Continuo Connect is a great source of inspiration and ideas - whether you are an individual keen to experience high-quality live music locally, a leisure-time music group on the hunt for inspiration for your next performance or you are a promoter looking to organise a festival.  

For more information and insights on the UK period-instrument performance scene, visit the Continuo Connect website 

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