Surrey Performing Arts Library: join the meeting | Making Music

Surrey Performing Arts Library: join the meeting

The online consultation by Surrey County Council closed on 1 October, receiving an astonishing number of over 1500 online and 220 offline submissions.

Officers will be reporting the results of the consultation and laying out the options they are considering to councillors at the meeting of the Communities Select Committee of Surrey County Council on Tuesday 7 November at 10am in Kingston.

Past experience indicates that it is helpful if as many users as possible attend these meetings to impress the need for SPAL on the elected members of the council who will ultimately be taking the decisions.

It is also useful to write to the members of the committee prior to the meeting, as well as other councillors (e.g. your own).

Full details and the papers for the Communities Committee meeting (including the proposals) can be found on the Surrey County Council website 7 days before (31 October).

All councillors’ details (email addresses, postal addresses, telephone numbers where appropriate) are also available via Surrey County Council.

Communities Select Committee meeting about Surrey Performing Arts Library: Tuesday 7 November, 10am at Ashcombe Suite, County Hall, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2DN.

Please share this information widely.