The Allen Lane Foundation | Making Music

The Allen Lane Foundation

Application Deadline: 
Distributing Body: 
The Allen Lane Foundation


We are interested in funding charitable causes which we believe to be unpopular both in society, and with other funders. Our focus is currently on adults within eight beneficiary groups: • Asylum seekers and refugees* • Gypsies and Travellers • LGBTQ communities • Migrant communities* • Offenders and ex-offenders • Older people • People experiencing mental health problems • People experiencing violence or abuse * We do not fund organisations working with single nationalities Within the beneficiary groups, we focus on work with adults (not children or young people). We do not fund work within Greater London. Organisations which have their offices in London are eligible provided the people who benefit from their work are not only in London. The Foundation will not generally fund work relating to the following activities: • Annual or one-off events or festivals • Capital grants • General arts or cultural or language projects • Overseas travel • Property purchase, building or refurbishment • Vehicle purchase