People with disabilities | Making Music

People with disabilities

Community Innovation Fund


Our Community Innovation Fund is open to Turning Point services and the organisations, enterprises and groups that we are connected to in areas where we are located. If you have an idea for a project that would improve wellbeing for people in your local area, you can apply for up to £2500 to bring your idea to life. There are videos and full information on the website.

Greater Manchester Grants


Funding is available for registered charities, community groups and voluntary organisations to assist individuals who are disadvantaged, sick, have a disability and/or living in poverty within Greater Manchester.

The Charity Service will award grants of up to £3,000 per year for up to three years (£9,000 in total) for activities that aim to:

The Society of Merchant Venturers grants


In addition to our commitment to supporting education, care for older people and social enterprise, SMV has a tradition of supporting a broad range of local causes that benefit Greater Bristol. The fund is administered by the Charity Sub-Committee. The members of this committee meet four times a year, typically in January, April, July and October, to consider applications for funding. Grants awarded are usually between £500 and £5,000.

Grants for Good


Grants for Good is funded by the John Good Group and is designed to direct funding only to small and growing local charities, voluntary groups or social enterprises that are making a big impact on communities, people or the environment. To be eligible, applicants must: Be a local community group, charity, voluntary group or social enterprise that has a positive impact on communities, people or the environment. The programme is unrestricted, and money can be used to cover any of the organisation’s costs, including running costs.

Manchester Stronger Communities fund


Themes of the Fund - grants available up to £4000 (applicants must be based in Manchester).

See list of deadlines and decision dates.

Nobody knows what's best for our communities better than the communities themselves. We listen to their ideas and help where we can. Applications must meet at least one of the fund’s core themes. We’re happy to discuss whether your project fits our themes before application.

Creative Steps for Organisations


The aim of this programme is to support individuals and organisations who have experienced barriers to accessing Arts Council Wales funding. Creative Steps aims to address this by supporting artists, creatives, and organisations throughout their developmental journey. 

You can apply if your organisation is led by ethnically and culturally diverse people, Deaf, disabled and/or neurodivergent people, or people who have experienced racism or discrimination.