New resource: model contract for working with Music Directors | Making Music

New resource: model contract for working with Music Directors

The contract is for groups engaging with self-employed MDs. As you will see from the guidance notes, it is intended as starting point for negotiations but it can be used as it is.

View the model contract

Why use our contract?

Having a good contract in place with an MD, or indeed anyone you engage with, is very important. We know informal arrangements are sometimes made and whilst these may seem fine at the time, if the situation becomes more complicated, a good contract can be invaluable for both you and the MD. It is important that your group manages any potential risk in this area.

For those of you who already have a contract in place, we encourage you to look at our new version – it could be something to discuss with your MD at the next review point in their current contract.

If you have any questions about the contract, please do get in touch; or 020 7939 6030 (Monday - Friday, 10am - 5PM).

Finally, we would like to thank both ISM and abcd for their contributions in creating this recourse.

Related content: we also have a model contract available for working professional musicians. You can access it in our Resources library.