President's Award and Green Award

These awards celebrate the individuals from all walks of life volunteer for their music groups, giving up their time and energy to help the leisure-time music sector.

We celebrate their incredible contributions with either exceptional service to a Making Music member group or an outstanding effort to improve their environmental sustainability.

Nominations have now closed.

President's Award

Previously, The President's Award recognised the achievements of those who volunteered for Making Music. Starting with 2023, this award now recognises volunteers who have given exceptional service to any Making Music member group, replacing our Group Hero award. This could be for a short-term exceptional effort, or a longer term achievement, and it could recognise an individual or a group of volunteers (e.g. a committee). The winner(s) will be selected by public vote.

Recipients of the award

2021: Glynne Stackhouse & Stephen Leeder
2019: Elaine Fox
2018: Holly McEleny
2017: Peter Lawson
2016: Paul de Ridder
2015: Louisa Bell
2014: Linda Young
2013: Alex Murchie & Martin Jones
2012: Marian Davidson
2011: Dr Berkeley Ranby
2010: Donald Sheppard
2009: Harry Whitham

The Making Music Green Award

This award was introduced in 2023 to celebrate a Making Music member group that has made an outstanding effort to improve their environmental sustainability.

For example: 

  • Implementing a lift sharing scheme among members to reduce the amount of car usage to and from rehearsals
  • Working with venues to monitor and reduce energy usage
  • Reducing single use waste by asking people to bring their own mugs for tea break or cutting down on paper printing of resources
  • Engaging in conversations by commissioning a new work about the climate crisis or programming a concert with this particular theme in mind.

Making Music also has a range of other awards that celebrate the leisure-time music sector for music groups, arrangers and creators, and other professionals they work with. Find out more