Job Description
Brunel sinfonia is a large Bristol based symphony orchestra, with a twenty-year history of challenging, innovative and popular programmes performed to a range of audiences, including inclusive events for families. Our Musical Director and Conductor role is for an enthusiastic individual looking to contribute to our ethos, musical development and future development.
Post: Musical Director and Conductor
Appointed by, and responsible to: Brunel Trustees (other than the Musical Director/Conductor)
Salary level: ~£1540 a term (£130 per full rehearsal, £630 for concert day)
Brunel Sinfonia – Building Bridges Through Music – Our ethos
The orchestra is a community. We support one another, and work towards an inclusive and supportive environment. Brunel players are proud, but friendly. Being a Brunelian is just as much about the tea and cake in the rehearsal break as it is about the quality of our accelerando.
We aren’t afraid of big pieces. It all adds to the fun. 20 horns needed? No problem we will work it out. We’re happy to stretch ourselves, but always with the aim of improving, both as individuals and as a group.
Above all, we aim to have fun. We rejoice in the collective joy only provided by performing some of the world’s greatest music to our family and friends. We want to create memorable moments for ourselves and our audiences.
Terms of Appointment
The appointment is for one year, renewed annually subject to satisfactory review with the orchestra. The trustees will correlate the members’ opinions and concerns, regularly feedback to the conductor, and the chair will hold an annual appraisal with the post holder.
Specific Responsibilities
1) To conduct the Brunel Sinfonia at all rehearsals and performances; dates and times to be agreed with the trustees. To facilitate a deputy, in case of an emergency.
2) To assume the responsibility for the artistic direction of the orchestra's performances.
3) To work with the leader, section principles and orchestra on musical technique.
4) To be available to advise the leader and trustees on the selection of the principles of the second violin, viola, cello and double bass sections, and the selection of suitable wind and brass players.
5) To advise the trustees on the choice of music for concerts, taking into account the abilities of the orchestra, and the current three-piece policy (one from the classic FM top 300, one from the orchestra suggestion list, one free choice). The final programme is to be confirmed with the trustees.
6) To aid the trustees with suitable programme notes regarding the music.
7) To advise and consult with the trustees on the choice of suitable soloists.
8) To work with the leader and trustees to enhance the long-term technical and artistic development of the orchestra.
9) To advise the trustees about any member of the orchestra who is unable to perform to a satisfactory level at rehearsals and/or concerts. For new members this should be after the first or second rehearsal, to allow immediate replacement. The chair of trustees or section coordinator will give a formal warning to existing players, after discussion with the musical director. Thereafter the player will have one final term in which to improve, before a final decision on their continued membership is made.
10) To offer general advice and assistance to the trustees on all matters pertaining to the musical conduct of the Brunel Sinfonia.
11) To work with the trustees to foster a balance between musical excellence and the enjoyment of music making, through mutual respect, and a non-threatening atmosphere that is encouraging, inspirational, charismatic, enthusiastic, exciting, educational and musically valuable.
12) To work with the trustees, in an advisory capacity, regarding soloists, deps and concert requirements such as music, players and additional equipment. To work with the trustees to secure appropriate sectionals coaches, to take termly sectional rehearsals.
13) To provide a full list of the rehearsal details and timings for the whole of each term, including details of provisions for when certain players are not needed, such as additional brass sectionals, or rehearsals that can be missed (with the undertaking from the section coordinators to provide a comprehensive list of players’ anticipated absences before the start of the term). Provide a rehearsal schedule to the trustees and section coordinators one week prior to the first rehearsal.
14) The post holder is responsible for a weekly email (with most content supplied at the start of the term by the trustees, and an email list) to highlight key points for the following week.
15) The post holder will be an ex officio member of the trustees; and be invited to attend a trustee meeting after each concert and provide feedback on the previous term, alongside future programme plans.
This Job Description is not an exhaustive list of duties but is intended to give a general indication of the range of responsibilities.
If the trustees appoint a Guest Conductor for a term, the Musical Director will remain a trustee, but paras 1) to 14) will not apply for that term, and the honorarium will not be payable.
The post holder is required to give 9 months’ notice of intention to resign, though agreement for earlier resignation can be discussed with the trustees.
Additional information
Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 7.15 to 9.30pm, the three terms available are listed below:
Sep - Nov 2025 (Sept 17th, 24th, Oct 1st, 8th sectionals, 15th, 22nd, Nov 5th, 12th, concert Nov 15th)
Jan - March 2026 (Jan 21st, 28th, Feb 4th, 11th sectionals, 25th, Mar 4th, 11th, 18th, concert March 21st)
April - June 2026 (Apr 29th, May 6th, 13th, 20th sectionals, June 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, concert June 27th)
Dates are TBC pending venue confirmation, there is one sectional week a term, and no rehearsal during half term.