Music Conductor | Making Music

Music Conductor

Application deadline: 
Tuesday, 29 April 2025
Description of vacancy: 

Following the decision of its Principal Conductor to stand down after 9 years, the Society is seeking to fill this post, if possible in time for the start of its autumn season commencing September 2025. The Society, which was founded in 1957, is a small friendly SATB choir and, whilst we do not require auditions, we do require to attain a high standard of performance.  It is hoped to appoint someone sympathetic to the ideals of the Society, i.e. sharing the pleasure of singing together and who is able to work comfortably with an amateur choir of mixed ability. The Society chooses its programme, initially through a sub-committee, which will include the MD as a co-opted member, submitting ideas to the full committee for a final decision.  There is likely to be a very varied musical content in its programmes. Some concerts may be of a single major work, others much more varied.  The Choir meets on Tuesdays in term time from 19.30 – 21.30 at the Methodist Hall, New Road, Bromyard HR7 4AJ.

Remuneration will be negotiable.

Anyone interested in this post should submit a curriculum vitae together with a brief description of their own range of musical interests to: by Tuesday 29th April 2025.

Methodist Church Room
New Road
United Kingdom